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Large Screen Cinematic Viewing Anytime Anywhere™

Experience a cinematic view with Grawoow AR Glasses. Wait what do you mean by cinematic Viewing? Well you can enjoy a large 172" screen anytime you feel like it. But don't worry about quality either as it comes with a stunning resolution of 1920x1080x2 running at 60Hz. And a wide FOV of 40 degrees.

Excellent Battery Life Never Worry Again™

Never worry about charging again with our all new and improved Nexus Watch. Our watch has excellent battery and can last as long as you need it to. And don't worry we won't charge more than the price of a new video game

E6S Macron TWS Earbuds

Which One Is Right For You!™

Explore our high quality headphones and see which one is right for you! Don't worry we have everything from pure specs to functional designs. We even have a variety of colours all at an affordable price

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